This week we are putting estimation into practice by rounding first before finding the sum or difference in word problems.
We will also be working on place value and comparing and ordering numbers.
October 29-November 2, 2012
Red Ribbon Week
Monday- 10/29= SOCK it to drugs!! Wear Crazy socks
Tuesday 10/30=Use your head! Don’t do drugs. Wear a cap or hat
Wednesday 10/31= Spook Out drugs! Wear a Halloween costume (no maks or handheld props allowed. Costumes must follow the dress code on page 12 intermediate planner)
Thursday 11/1= Shade out drugs! Wear sunglasses
Friday 11/2= White Oak Pride Day-Wear maroon and white
This week in Math we are going to be working on rounding numbers to the nearest ten and the nearest hundred.
We will be learning different tricks to help us remember which numbers round up and which numbers round down.
Ask your child about the Rounding Rap!!
This Wednesday, October 17th, Intermediate students will have an early release date. This will be a training day for teachers. Five professional development classes will begin shortly after your children are dismissed. Due to the scheduled events, we are asking that parents NOT eat lunch with their child on the 17th. Please make note the Intermediate school will release at 12:30.
We have discussed patterns in Math this past week. This week we will continue extending the pattern and finding the missing elements in those patterns. We have also continued practicing adding and subtraction with regrouping. It is very important for all students to know their math facts. Please work with your child on these facts daily.
As we introduce new skills and concepts, we will also revisit passed skills already taught. Place value and comparing/ordering numbers will be spiraled throughout the six weeks.
1. which
2. children
3. important
4. form
5. keep
6. food
7. their **Did you see their cute clothes? (shows ownership)
8. want
9. great
10. until
11. went
12. again
13. more
14. always
15. because
16. first
Vocab. Words – Lesson 6 Max’s Words (Test -Friday Oct. 19)
ragged – rough, uneven; having a worn-out look
sorted- put into groups
scrambled – mixed things up
rapidly- very quickly
darted – made a sudden quick movement
continued – kept going
orders – arrangements
collect – to find and keep special things
It is hard to believe that the first six weeks is over with!!
Monday starts the beginning of team teaching. The students seem to be catching our excitement!! We have even cleaned out our desks in honor of this new adventure!
Math homework: Adding and Subtracting Money
We will working on using lists,tables,and charts to find patterns. Generating a table of paired numbers, identify and describe the pattern, and extending that pattern
Reading homework: Hank Aaron reading comprehension
Spelling Unit 5 Words:
1. what
2. asked
3. always
4. want
5. world
6. help
7. school
8. each
9. going
10. show
11. right **You were right about the habitat of the bearded dragon.
12. important
13. around
14. there **My dream is to travel there one day.
15. write **Please write about what you did over the weekend.
16. another
Vocabulary Words for Roberto Clemente:
Score: to make or earn points
Polish: to make something smooth and bright by rubbing
Pronounced: said in a particular way
Fans: people who enjoy watching a certain activity and support the people who participate
Stands: seats from which people watch a game
Slammed: hit or closed very hard
League: group of teams that play against one another
Book Orders are due Thursday, October 11th Reports cards will come home Thursday, October 11thIt is that time of year…Parent/Teacher Conferences. This year Mrs. Langley (Johnson), Mrs. Lobue and I will be doing parent teacher conferences together. Below is the schedule of conference times and dates. Simply choose a time, enter some basic information, and click submit. You will see a confirmation screen that says “You’re booked!”
Thank you for your support and we are looking forward to talking with you.
**Due to this week’s benchmark tests, there will be NO vocabulary this week.
1. many
2. often
3. their **Their cat is absolutely gorgeous! (shows ownership)
4. house
5. they
6. asked
7. together
8. large
9. also
10. said
11. don’t
12. our **Won’t you come to our home this summer?
13. over
14. what
15. think
16. found
This week we are counting coins and bills. Today we learned about which President is on the front of each coin and what symbol is on the back. Below is the video we watched to begin our money unit. Beware the song is addictive !