Last Week of School

Thursday, May 24th.. Early dismissal Buses run at 11:30 Car pick up at 11:15

Friday, May 25th..Early dismissal Buses run at 11:30 Car pick up at 11:15

Lunch will be served in cafeteria for those who want to eat both days.

Have a happy, safe, and fun summer!!

Important Last Minute Information

Class pictures will be Tuesday, May 8th in the morning so don’t be late!!! (look for note about prices)




Early Release days for Intermediate School:

Thursday, May 24th      @    11:30

Friday, May 25th   @   11:30



The last day of school will be Friday, May 25th.

Have a safe and wonderful summer!!!

Grandparent’s Day/Field Trip

This year’s field trip will be at Penick Park in White Oak.

(We are leaving campus because of Kindergarten’s Grandparent’s Day.)


When:  10:30-1:30, Friday, May 5th       Where: Penick Park  

What to Bring: sack lunch labeled with student’s name, two  bottled drinks labeled with student’s name, tennis shoes (cafeteria will provided lunch if needed)

 May bring:   One thing to play with at the park  (no bats)  Child’s name need to be on everything.  It is your child’s responsibility to keep up with their things



*Parents will need to check out student with homeroom teacher if leaving from park*


Field Day

Wednesday, May 9th


Football field, bring your cameras!!



Students need to bring:

* a water bottle with their name on it

* wear tennis shoes and clothes that can get dirty

* bring a change of clothes for after the games


**If leaving after Field Day, please sign out with homeroom teacher**


STAAR Testing

Tuesday, April 24, Math Test

Wednesday, April 25, Reading Test

Important things to remember:

*Go to bed early

*Eat a good breakfast

*Be on time for school

*Students must bring their own lunch from home or buy a lunch from the cafeteria. 

Food brought in for lunch will not be allowed

*No personal electronic devices on testing days

It’s time to do the happy dance!!!



  1.  It is the first day of Spring.

  2.  The school didn’t float away in all the rain today.


But more importantly….

   3.   Our class has a new pencil sharpener!!!!   The old one finally died today.  This  sharpener promises to be quiet and sharpen pencils in 3.6 seconds!  





Benchmark Testing

All 3rd & 4th graders will be taking benchmark test this week.  Math will be on Tuesday, March 6th and Reading will be on Wednesday, March 7th.

Students may bring a pop-top water bottle and 2  pieces of gum for testing each day.   Also, students  must bring a lunch from home or buy a lunch from the cafeteria.  No lunch visitors will be allowed on campus during testing.                                                                                                                                                                                       It is important that students get a good night’s sleep, eat a good breakfast, and are at school on time for test days.  We want each student to be well-rested and ready to work their very best!!

















Fourth Six Weeks

Here is the game plan for the fourth six weeks:


                   * Identifying and Counting Money

                   * Multiplication and Division Fact Families

                   * Rounding and Estimating

                   *  Measurement

  Please remember that all concepts are spiraled throughout the year, meaning that all previously taught  concepts are reviewed.

                     Reading and Language Arts  


                                        * Infer/Predict

                                         * Prefixes and Suffixes

                                         *Drawing Conclusions

                                         *Verb Tense

                                         *Commas in a Series

   Progress reports and graded work will be sent home Wednesday, January 25th.  The fourth six weeks ends on February 17th.  Report cards and graded work will be sent home Thursday, February 23rd.