Holiday Reminders:

100 piece wrapped puzzle due Wednesday, Dec 14th.  Thank you for those who have sent one already!!

Early Dismissal:  Thursday, Dec, 15 at 11:30

Christmas Party at the Community Center on Friday, Dec 16 from 8:30-10:30.  Parents may sign-out their child with the classroom teacher after the party.   Early Dismissal: 11:30

Christmas break  is December 19-30.  School will resume  on Monday January 2, 2012

Merry Christmas!   Have a safe and wonderful holiday!!

Thanksgiving Projects


Yippee!!!  The students have their Thanksgiving poems posted!!  We did two posts this time.  One poem uses our sense to describe Thanksgiving.  The other poem is an acrostic, spelling out Thankful or Gratitude.  The students recorded their acrostic  poems using the iPod’s and then I posted those to their blogs.  Check out their great poems.  Write Down the Hall

Christmas Party


Not to be like department stores, but the third grade team is beginning to think about our Christmas Party and we need your help!!

Our party will be Friday, December 16th from 8:30-10:30

If  you would like to help with our Christmas party this year, please let me know.

You may send me an email: [email protected], respond to this post, or jot me a note.

Thanks for all you do!!

Student Blogs

Our student writing blog   Write Down the Hall, is finally up and running.  This year it serves as a gateway  to the student’s individual blogs.  You may get to your child’s blog by first clicking: Write Down the Hall, then click on his/her name on the left hand side of the blog.  I encourage you to subscribe to Write Down the Hall blog so you know when the kids post their new writing samples.  Please be patient with the students as we embarking on this new blogging journey.

Our first project was to write a Monster story, type that story on the computer, save it to our flash drives and then post the story to our blogs.  We are also working on a project for Thanksgiving using our class iPod’s.  I encourage you to check out our projects and leave an encouraging comment!!

Third Six Weeks

Here is the game plan for the 3rd six weeks:

                                                                         Math Skills: 

 * Continuing Graphs and Patterns

       *   Concept of Multiplication

          *   Rounding and Estimating

            *   Counting Money

            **Please remember that all concepts are spiraled throughout the year, meaning we will continue to  review   all concepts that have been previously taught. **


                                        Reading /Grammar Skills:

     * Compare & Contrast

        * Cause & Effect

          * Prefixes & Suffixes



*Common & Proper Nouns

                              * Plural Nouns


Progress reports and graded work will be sent home Wednesday, November 30.  The 3rd six weeks ends on Friday, December 16.
Report cards and graded work will be sent home on Thursday, January 5.

Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week is October 24-28th

Monday:  Hugs Not Drugs

Bring your favorite  (small) stuffed animal to school.

Tuesday:  Wear Red

Wednesday:  Don’t Let Drugs Turn Your Life Inside Out

Wear clothes inside out

Thursday: Outsmart Drugs by Using Your Head

Wear your favorite hat or cap.

Friday:  Spook Out Drugs

Wear a costume.  No mask or handheld props allowed

(Costumes must follow the dress code found on pages 11&12 in the Intermediate student planner)

New Spelling and Vocabulary Words

Five new spelling core words came home yesterday in the planner.  They are: often,  together, asked, house, don’t.   Their words to learn list, or missed spelling word list, came home yesterday also.


              We started a new reading story Monday, Pop’s Bridge by Eve Bunting.  It is about the building of the San Fransisco bridge.  And how Robert is proud of his dad for building the bridge. He  also learns in the story that it takes a lot of people to build that bridge.  The vocabulary words for this story are: balancing, tide, foggy,crew, excitement, disappears, stretch,cling Have your child tell you the meanings of the words as they are used in the story! The comprehension skills we are working on include multiple meaning words, context clues, understanding character, comparing and contrasting, setting, drawing conclusions, making inferences, main idea & details, and summarizing.


Grading Policy for Third Grade

Grading Policy for Third Grade


Grades will be posted each week.  Remember Science and Social Studies do not have a number grade until Fourth Grade.  All intermediate students begin receiving progress reports during the second six weeks grading period.


Once a skill has been fully taught the student will show that they understand a concept, topic, or skill by doing a pencil, paper assignment or the assignment might be online and a computer will be used.  For reading and math, any student making below a 70 on an assignment, will be retaught the skill and the higher grade (up to a 70) will be recorded.