Second Six Weeks

Here is what we will  be working on this six weeks:


   Math:   Basic Addition and Subtraction Facts

                  Addition and Subtraction with and without regrouping

                 Patterns with pictures and numbers

                Comparing and ordering numbers (through 4 digits)

                Repeated Addition (a concept of Multiplication)

Please remember that all concepts are spiraled throughout the year, meaning we will continue to review all concepts that have been previously taught.




Our new reading story is Destiny’s Gift by Natasha Anastasia Tarpley.  The story is about friendship, creativity, and the power of words.  The vocabulary words for this touching story are:  figure, earn, spreading, raise, contacted, customers, block, and afford.  Have your child tell you the meanings of the words as they are used in the story!  The comprehension skills we are working on include multiple-meaning words, context clues, understanding characters, setting, drawing conclusions, making inferences, main idea & details, and summarizing.


Spelling/Language Arts:      

            Review your child’s words to learn and No Excuse words.  No spelling test this week.

            Grammar:  Nouns

                                   Fragments and Run-On Sentences


Progress Reports will be sent home Friday, October 21st.  The end of the second six weeks ends November 4, and report cards will be sent home Thursday, November 10th.

Parent Meeting


White Oak Intermediate School wants to invite all parents and guardians to attend Third Grade Parent Orientation on Monday, August 29th, from 6:00-7:00 pm. We will be meeting in the Elementary Cafeteria. Our featured speaker will be Mrs. Mitzi Neely, Curriculum Director for White Oak ISD.
Please plan to come and learn how to help your child have an even more successful 3rd grade year. After the meeting, you may sign up for an individual conference with me which will be held the week of September 6th-9th.
I look forward to seeing you there!

Limeades for Learning

It’s that time of year again!! Sonic and DonorsChoose have teamed up to sponsor Limeades for Learning, a grant program for public school teachers. The teacher with the most votes will have her grant awarded. You may only vote for one project, per day, and voting runs from August 29th to September 30th. This year, I have asked for two iPod Touches for our class. I hope that you will take time everyday to vote. Be sure to ask your friends also!! (The link below will take you to my project page) You can even sign-up for daily emails to remind you to vote. I will be sure to keep you informed of our progress.

Note: There are two Mrs. H’s at White Oak ISD. My project number is 598155 (not that we don’t want Mrs. Hunter’s project funded). 🙂

Getting Ready for School


I hope you are getting excited about the a new school year. I know I am. I was in the classroom this week, moving desk and chairs, wondering about each student who will sit in them. I can’t wait to meet you!!


The classroom is almost ready 🙂

Meet the Teacher – August 18th 4:30-5:30 Hope to see everyone then. Don’t forget your school supplies!

Atlantis Lifts off

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and lift off! Those words have been repeated countless times over the last 30 years of NASA’s shuttle program. Today, for the last time, Atlantis made its final mission into space. This flight marks the end of the shuttle program as we know it. Wyatt and I enjoyed watching the shuttle blast off.

Endeavour’s Last Mission

On May 16, 2011, the space ship Endeavour made its final flight into space. We got to see the liftoff thanks to The spaceship landed safely at Cape Canaveral, FL. on June 7th. What was interesting besides being Endeavour’s last flight into space was that the astronauts brought along LEGO’s! A miniature version of the International Space Station was brought for the astronauts to build! ( Astronauts to build LEGO version.) In case you are wondering Endeavour will be turned into a museum at the California Science Center.

The next schedule launch for NASA will be July 8th as Atlantis takes her final flight through space.
