One picture, several different stories

All this year we have developed tools to help us create a picture in our minds while we read to help with comprehension.   Thursday I put a picture from an old calendar up on the board and asked the class to take 15 minutes and write a story about what was happening in the picture.   You could have heard a pin drop during those 15 minutes.  Afterwards those who wanted to shared.  We were amazed how many different stories came out of one picture.

We would like to share those with you.  Hope you enjoy them as much as we did:

summer2 (1)

One day three kids and their dog were going to drop a watermelon on some teenagers. One boy called the teenagers that it was clear of jokes except for the one the boys made. One boy said man this is going to be funny. So they were coming and getting in the water then they thought were did those boys go they were up in a log . And the teenagers were right under them then plop on the teenagers. By Caleb R

One Summer three brothers were playing by a clean clean lake. Their mom told them to go to the lake and find a water melon. They were looking for one for a hour and a half. Then they found one. The oldest brother Andy reminded the boys what their mom said. ” When you find the water melon get the rope I gave you and tie it around the water melon and one of you hold the rope and the other one get in the water and wash it off and Andy yell mom and we found it. The brothers did what their mom said. Then they put the water melon down in the grass and Andy,Tom,Chase got in the water and played in it because it was 108F.    P.S. This was in 1825. By Colee

One summer day Sam,Joe and Kethan went with their dog Chewy to a picnic. They had a watermelon and a rope. Hey look Sam announced there is a lake right beside the picnic spot. So the hurried up and ate the boy left all there picnic stuff and went home to get swim suits. When they came back they all three jumped in and then Joe realized that they still had the watermelon and the rope. Kethan had an idea and he said lets tie the watermelon on to the rope and attach the rope to the limb so they did. It was so much fun then the fun ended when their mom called and said boys time to come home you have school tomorrow. So they got there picnic stuff and chewy and went home. But they left the watermelon tied to the rope tied to the tree so the next day they could come and play. By Kylie

One day their were 3 boys in a lake.2 of the boys wanted to climb a tree.1 of the boys on the tree wanted to jump off the tree and make a big splash. But first he wanted mom to see. When mom came out 1 of the boys wanted to throw a watermelon at the tree. One boy helped him. Mom said be careful to the the boy who wanted to make a big splash. When the boy made a big splash the other boys through the watermelon at the tree and got their dog with water and watermelon seeds. By Brianna

One day there were three boys name Jamani, Corbin,Jace, one boy was in the water that was Jace two were. On the log eating the watermelon then they went to there house to put there bathing suit and they went back to the pond and swim in the water. By Corbin

Three brothers went down to the lake one summer. But they wanted to do more than swimming. So they called all of their friends to come too. And they made a plan. So they sent Tommy to go get a watermelon. They sent Oliver to go get some rope. When they got back they tied the watermelon o a log. Then they sent George to go get a stick. And they sent Tucker to get some cloth. Soon they were hitting the watermelon blindfolded. No one could hit it but then it was Seth’s turn …The watermelon burst! They all went home wet and sticky. By Brinn

Once their where 3 boy who lived in a forest. They always played by a creak. There names are Seth, Mickle, and Mathew. They got some rope tied a note around it. They fished with it. They caught a big one. By Dayne

3 boys were balancing on the log and they were by the river and one boy could not swim and that boy fell in the river and then the other two boys went to get watermelon and tied it to a string so that the boy could get a hold of it and not drowned the boy that was calling somebody is probably calling his mom so that his mom could help get the boy out. By Jake

One very hot day at the lake 3 boys named Dayne Luke and Joseph. They were trying to catch fish. After Dayne caught a thrownet I caught a 40 pond catfish. I told the boys it was for watermelon. Than we went swimming… alligator!!! I yelled KILL IT!!! By Joseph

Bobby is screaming because Bobby saying canon ball then lowes is over there tying the water melon to a tree trying to make a caning ball and Luke was swimming and Daniel got pushed by a dog and fell in the water then they was all done they went in the water but Lowes wasn’t in the water and Lowes shot the caning ball and got Luke on the head with a water melon everybody laughed at Luke. By Harley

There was three boys who was playing with a watermelon tied to a piece of rope. They made up a game. You had to swing the watermelon at someone. They played the game. Everyone got knocked out! By Caleb T

One day 3 boys and 1 dog were on a log. He was probably calling his mom and they got some food. From probably agarten. And puled it up. With the rope. It was hard but he eventually got there and got some food. By Daniel

Once there was three boys fishing with a rope and they found something heavy it was a water melon they found food and the boy cried mom dad come herewe found something it was a water melon and they went home and cut it upand ate it. By Jayden

Ben,Caleb,and Robert were going to the lake. Ben’s dog Max slobbered on their water melon. At the lake Robert tied a long piece of string on the water melon. Caleb dipped it in the lake. They all got a piece of water melon. When they were done they all swam in the lake. And they all went home. By Julian

One day three boys got a watermelon and tide a string around it. And dropped it in the water. And theycough a big fish. Then one boy yelled mom dad we got dinner!one of there dads said I HAVE THE FIRST PIECE! Then they all lived happy ever after. By Lexi

The boys are going to try and get somebody to help them cut the watermelon so they can eat it. They are wearing swimming suits just in case one of them falls in the water. By Luke

They are going swimming in the lake. They are going if his friend can play so they can swim in the lake and play in the lake and play outside today won the biggest watermelon. By Mason

Jace,Joe,and Jacob were outside swimming in the country lake. After they got out they were hungry Jace was 17 he is the one who took them to the lake. Pop was home cooking dinner ma was watering the garden. Jace found a watermelon in the desert he tied the watermelon to a string he called the boys over to swing on it it busted in there face they swam some more and then went home. By Peyton

They probably have a war with the watermelon. One of the kids and they had to tack a death they won three thousand dollars to visit sea word they can stay for a week than come back with a lot of stuff. By Selvin

They are pulling a watermelon out of the water!!!There is three boys and one dog and they are having so much fun!!! There are lots of trees too!!!  By Austyn